This. Is. It. After the loss of another comrade, our heroes have had more than enough of the Canadian’s BS. With assistance from Ace, the Harbingers prepare for an assault on Black Site Omicron, while the Canadian makes final preparations for his planned destruction of SPACEMERICA! Meanwhile, on Spacemerica… *shrug*
Spacemerica episode nine, Death to Spacemerica!, was written by Daniel Williams;
and voiced by Adam Baugher, S. Michael Clericus, Dave Goddard, Kat Johnson, Lisa Kanizay, Ian McGowan, William Mead, Nate Miller, Miki Morgan, Stephanie Myles, Jen Weinman, Daniel Williams, and Liz Zerkel.
The main theme was composed by Ian McGowan; with additional music provided by Ian McGowan and Daniel Williams. This episode features the song, “Elevator” by Buttercup, online at buttercup1.bandcamp.com.
Spacemerica is brought to you by CalamityCast; produced by Daniel Williams; and co-created by Dave Goddard, Ian McGowan, Daniel Williams, and Liz Zerkel.
And now, Spacemerica episode nine, Death to Spacemerica!