Listen to DOTN episode 215 RIGHT NOW!
Hello one and all! After its first full month of episodes, we’re hear to announce DEFENDERS OF THE NIGHT now has merch! Check it out –
Head over to our merch shop and pick up these new designs, and while you’re there get one of everything else we offer. That’d be pretty cool!
Daniel Williams and Liz Zerkel are DEFENDERS OF THE NIGHT, the most trusted source for top-to-bottom coverage of everyone’s favorite mid-90s animated program – GARGOYLES!
Every Monday we excitedly recap and dissect the magic of one of the best cartoons of its day. There’s laughter, shouting, and more than a slight sense of confusion as a couple of palgoyles relive their youth. Pour yourself a drink, spread your leathery wings, and join us on this ancient and mystical journey!
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcatcher, and use #gargoyles on Twitter to get in on the fun.
While Adam and Daniel are winding things down at The Black Lodge Complaint Department, the rest of the CalamityCast crew is hard at work bringing new shows to life! This fall, writers Ian McGowan & Brittany Burke will be launching their new audio drama, Jane the Ripper! Follow them on Twitter @JTR_podcast to find out when Jane the Ripper officially launches and to get a sneak peek behind the scenes of this suspenseful thriller.
On the more hilariously sexy side of things, Liz and Stephanie, The Duchess, continue to explore their passion for the world of romance novels & writing every other week on Dick of The Week. Also on the horizon for Liz & Stephanie is the second season of their romantic comedy audio drama Love & Lust, which will debut in 2020!
CalamityCast is also excited to announce that pre-production has begun for the second season of our sci-fi comedy audio drama, Spacemerica! Follow us on twitter @CalamityCast to find out when Season 2 launches.
In addition to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher, you can now find us on Spotify, so be sure to throw your favorite shows a follow. Stay tuned for more podcasts from your friends at CalamityCast…
From all of us here at CalamityCast, thank you for listening to the first season of Spacemerica! New episodes will be arriving in the not too distant future…
In the meantime, be sure to check out Love & Lust, a new show from the creative team behind Dick of the Week. This 12 episode smutcast is a radio drama filled to the brim with romance, laughs, and all of those wonderfully awkward moments that come with new relationships.
We’re also excited to announce the arrival of The Black Lodge Complaint Department! Adam, a long-time fan of Twin Peaks, has finally convinced Daniel to watch it all. With The Black Lodge Complaint Department, Daniel and Adam will break down every episode of this seminal cult television series from the perspective of a loving fan and a grumpy Twin Peaks newbie. Episode Zero of The Black Lodge Complaint Department will be available in August, and Episode 1 will be available on Monday September 3rd.
From the creative minds of Love & Lust, CalamityCast’s upcoming Smutcast, comes Dick of the Week, our sexiest podcast yet! Join Stephanie, The Duchess, and Liz as they chat and laugh about all of their favorite, and not so favorite, aspects of the Romance genre. Each episode will dive into their own personal experiences with reading and writing within this genre, and why they think it’s time to no longer consider romance just a guilty pleasure!
Dick of the Week will post every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month starting on the ultimate day of love: Valentine’s Day. We invite you to pour a glass of wine or brew a cup of tea and snuggle up with us as we get down and dirty about romance!
Welcome friends, to CalamityCast, the new home of A Beginner’s Guide to Interplanetary Destruction, as well as bunch of upcoming content! That’s right, we’re no longer one show, we’re expanding into an entire podcast network!
After we wrapped on A Beginner’s Guide, conversations quickly turned to “what next?” And the group had a lot of new ideas. Not only that, but we brought in more people, and they had their own ideas, too! Awesome, right? THE ANSWER IS YES. We decided that, instead of making shows one at a time, it might be better to split up, and hit our audience with MORE shows MORE frequently, and thus CalamityCast was born.
Obviously, we take our name from the characters that started it all – A Beginner’s Guide’s heroes THE HARBINGERS OF CALAMITY. And while that show has been put to bed, it still inspires other things we’re doing. So let this first post be, not just an announcement for the network, but also the announcement for our next show – SPACEMERICA!
“In SPACEMERICA, A motley group of future-humans from space search for treasure, and a sense of purpose, across the ruins of the once great nation of the United States of America. Along with the assistance of Ignatius Babcock, traveling salesmen and new Earth friend, the heroes make their way across the country to meet with a man that claims to know the location of THE MACGUFFIN, the treasure they seek most.”
In addition to SPACEMERICA, which will post bi-monthly, there will be a bi-monthly companion show, Good Morning, SPACEMERICA!, where we’ll chat about the show, interview the actors, and even talk with SPACEMERICA’s musical contributors!
If you can believe it, we have even more shows waiting in the wings, nearly ready to be announced! We’re really excited to finally be announcing this, and we hope old fans and new are ready to hear what we have to offer. And remember, we’re not rebranding A Beginner’s Guide to Interplanetary Destruction. That show was our first, and we’ll always love it forever and ever. CalamityCast is an expansion on that show’s original idea – to write strong, hilarious, scripted podcasts that showcase St. Louis-based comedy writers and performers!
Thanks everyone, and stay tuned for more announcements soon!