Episode 19: Love’s the Only Rule
Hello dear listeners! Welcome back for the newest episode of Dick of the Week. In Love’s the Only Rule, Stephanie, Duchess, and Liz discuss rules of writing romance. Some of these rules we think are incredibly dumb and choose to ignore them. Other rules we think are great and wonder why we don’t use them in our own writing lives. Some of these aren’t actually rules at all, but are just expectations in the genre. But really, when it comes down to it, the only actual rule of romance is that happily ever after in the end.
This episode focuses more on the craft of writing romance.
But as always, we have tons of book recommendations for you!
Books Mentioned:
A Nordic King by Karina Halle
Bad at Love by Karina Halle
Betting on the Bad Boy by Dylann Crush on Radish
On the Line by Kaye Anders on Wattpad
Strung by Carte_blanche_milady on Wattpad
Dick of the Week was created by Stephanie, Duchess, and Liz and is proud to be part of the CalamityCast Network. You can find this show and others at www.calamitycast.com