Daniel Williams
Mr. Williams is an audio editor/engineer by trade, and a writer by accident. He is a creator of music and audio hilarity. He can swing a hammer, place a microphone, change a tire, and cook a hearty breakfast. He once wooed a lady so hard she married him. She demanded a baby, and he made it so, because he is a champion. He lives with circus folk and communes with animals.

Ian McGowan
Ian is hellbent on wandering the earth and experiencing everything this finite life has to offer. He’s a dreamer, a meme-er, and a part-time schemer. More often than not, he can be found with a musical instrument in his hands, a burrito in his stomach, coffee in his veins, and all-too-temporary solutions to the omnipresent wanderlust in his soul.

Dave Goddard
In 2002, Dave Goddard stunned the world by performing 6 backflips in a row on a trampoline. The love of the people was such that he was declared heir to the Moon, that celestial freeloader, which he loathes and plans to destroy. When he isn’t handcrafting feline couture booties, Dave spends his time exploring the occult in an attempt to understand the deeper mysteries of EDM.

Adam Baugher
Deep within the pop culture wastelands of the 1980s, a nerd was born. Reared on two decades of late-night cable TV, B-movies, and cult classics, Adam dreamed of one day making his own strange tales. Within the last century, we know that he shared an office with another weirdo, and they teamed up with a kooky cabal of creative types to produce a podcast about swords, space magic, time travel, and burritos. The sparse records that remain seem to indicate that Adam can be found when Jupiter and Saturn meet. If you have any information as to his current whereabouts, please contact CalamityCast at once.

Liz Zerkel
Although Ms. Zerkel would rather spend her days sipping whiskey (or scotch…or bourbon…) while reading romance novels and dreaming up her next National Park vacation, she can typically be found working her office job, spending time with family and friends, or writing for a few different podcasts and other creative projects. She is married to a handsome comedian who supports her wholeheartedly in this crazy adventure of writing sci-fi and smut. They live happily in St. Louis City and are looking to expand their family to including some fur monsters in the near future.

Alison Headley
If it’s broken, she’ll fix it. If it’s high up, she’ll climb on it. If it’s on tv, she’ll watch it. If it’s edible, she’ll eat it. If it’s feminism, she’ll make a big fat deal out of it.

William Mead
The William Mead has never been a child. He appeared on Earth an unknown number of years ago with full-fledged Dad Bod, ready to raise his own human offspring. As luck would have it, he found a lady that had an unrestrained love of said Dad Bod, and they coupled, as humans often do. In between dress-up sessions, the William Mead shreds guitar and collects vintage 1980s toys.