We’re back, and we’re talking Twin Peaks, duh! In “Part 4” Cooper is Dougie now. DEAL WITH IT NERDS. And holy cow he’s like, really good at slot machines. Skill, finesse, HE’S GOT IT ALL, BABY! Elsewhere, we get to spend some time with Sheriff Nü Truman, Gordon Cole and Alvern Rozerbeam head to South Dakota, and <3 <3 <3 DENISE BRYSON RETURNS!!! <3 <3 <3
Our main theme, “Downstream” was composed by CNTRL_ALT_DSTRY. The song “Ghostwood” was composed by Gridscape. Both appear courtesy of Retro Promenade, online at retropromenade.bandcamp.com. Additional interstitial music was provided by Ian McGowan.
The Black Lodge Complaint Department is brought to you by CalamityCast; produced by Daniel Williams; and co-created by Adam Baugher and Daniel Williams.