Episode 241: The Deep End

Gargoyles around the woooooorld
They’re comin to America-specifically-Flagstaff-Arizooooona

We all remember that classic tune, and on this week’s episode the gang talks Gargoyles ep241 – Cloud Fathers.  We get hot Kiyote on Coyote action!  Somethingsomething immortality, and let’s not forget about Beth!

Thank you to Ian McGowan for providing the interstitial music. You can find him on Instagram and Twitter @eazy_breezy_mac, and check out his band at gooddeedmusic.bandcamp.com.

Defenders of the Night is brought to you by CalamityCast; produced by Daniel Williams; and co-created by Daniel Williams and Liz Zerkel.

DOTN Season 2
DOTN Season 2
Episode 241: The Deep End